Thursday, 29 March 2018


Today we remembered Jesus' last day before he died for our sins. We spent the morning praying and talking about God's love for us and how he died so that we may live a life with God and have eternal life. 

We were very lucky to  attend a beautiful liturgy where we watched the greatest story ever told. This gave us an opportunity to really reflect on what Jesus went through in those final days. It was a beautiful liturgy and had a clear message of God's love and his sacrifice. 

We ended the day with a bit of fun and had an Easter egg hunt to remember how Jesus rose again on Sunday to give us new life. 
We had a lot of fun finding eggs hidden all over the classroom. 

We also made crucifix art in memory of Jesus' sacrifice on the cross and created Easter baskets to put eggs in. 

Happy Easter everyone. Hope you have a wonderful time with your families remembering this very special time and may God bless you all. 

Picasso Art

Room 8 has spent a lot of time this term working on their wonderful Picasso art. 
We learnt all about Picasso and his strange art work we know as abstract or cubism. 
We planned our work in our books and decided on where we would put our eyes, nose and mouth and what different patterns and colours we could use. 

We then spent a long time cutting out pieces of different types of collage to us in our abstract collage faces. 

After that we painted our faces using our chosen colours. 

We found out that it was very hard to paint with lots of colours and all of the colours mixed together so it didn't turn out quite as we had planned. 

We looked at our work and thought about how we could change it to make it better. We decided to use our painted versions as our first draft and instead use crayons to make bright clear colours and patters. 
We kept our painted pieces to glue to our crayon outline to use layers and different mediums. Then we continued to use our creativity to make fantastic final pieces of art. 

Tuesday, 27 March 2018

Fun day

What a wonderful turn out from room 8 whanau at fun afternoon the other evening. 

It was so lovely to see so many parents come in to the classroom to see what we have been working on in class. 

We had a lot of fun going down the waterside, eating candy floss and playing with our friends. 

If you weren't able to make it on the fun evening and would like to see your child's work then please come in any time after 8.00am and after school. We would love to show you our class and for you to see your child's hard work. 

Monday, 26 March 2018

Ka pai room 8!

This week we won a certificate awarding room 8 for showing love and respect to our library. It is so lovely to see how caring and respectful all of room 8 is and how much they care about their learning. 

Also a huge well done to Shalomi who won a certificate for her wonderful writing and always showing love to all those around her. We are so lucky to have someone as amazing and caring as Shalomi in room 8. 

Fantastic work to Jason who is always working hard but got his certificate this week for his awesome participation in Mandarin. Well done Jason! 

What an awesome class! 

Wednesday, 14 March 2018

We made bread!

This week in RE we have been learning about the link between sharing food and Jesus' gift of the Eucharist as a special meal, a remembrance and presence, which helps people to grow in holiness. 

We made bread together as a class and made a word bank of descriptive words to describe what it felt like, looked like, smelt like and how it tasted.

We all took turns to help out with each part of the process and took turns kneading the tough, sticky dough. 

Many hands made light work because in no time we had lots of little balls ready to be baked in the oven.

When the dough had risen (or had tried to rise, but the cold weather didn;t help too much) we baked it in the oven and our little squishy balls turned in to round brown morsels ready to eat. 

With the classroom smelling like a delicious bakery we sat together in a circle and ate the food we had prepared together. Talking about what we noticed with our senses and about how this time sharing food is used as a special time to remember Jesus and how he died for our sins.