Wednesday, 14 March 2018

We made bread!

This week in RE we have been learning about the link between sharing food and Jesus' gift of the Eucharist as a special meal, a remembrance and presence, which helps people to grow in holiness. 

We made bread together as a class and made a word bank of descriptive words to describe what it felt like, looked like, smelt like and how it tasted.

We all took turns to help out with each part of the process and took turns kneading the tough, sticky dough. 

Many hands made light work because in no time we had lots of little balls ready to be baked in the oven.

When the dough had risen (or had tried to rise, but the cold weather didn;t help too much) we baked it in the oven and our little squishy balls turned in to round brown morsels ready to eat. 

With the classroom smelling like a delicious bakery we sat together in a circle and ate the food we had prepared together. Talking about what we noticed with our senses and about how this time sharing food is used as a special time to remember Jesus and how he died for our sins. 


  1. What a fun RE lesson.

  2. Wow Room 8! learning in your class looks so much fun!
